Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's been a while boys

I can only hope that K.K. and Derek are okay but I have other matters to look into. Since I haven't been keeping up on post I might as well tel you I settled back into my house. I noticed some guys around my age surveying my neighborhood, they don't live there because I didn't  recognize them, so I asked one of them what he was doing. He just idly said with a blank look in his eyes "walking just to walk" which is weird but it's okay. I then realized that they were staring steadfast at my neighbors house (the meth-head ones) and then I noticed my neighbor with a desert eagle. They walked around my neighborhood two more times before leaving. My mom asked who they were and I only had seen one of them before(he was carrying a mask in his backpack at school). The next thing that happened was my neighbor (same one) peels out of his driveway and almost hits me as I'm walking to school(I like exercise, I live in the fattest city in the United States and I way 117lbs. at 5'6") I catch a glimpse of his face which is covered in blood coming from his forehead. First I thought that the drugs had caused him to do something stupid. Then I passed his house and his screen door(which is his "prize" for some odd reason) and noticed that it was torn open as if cut by scissors and on its hinges as if "Cinder Block" from the Teen Titans hit it. I just let it slide too because he deals drugs and probably had a disagreement with a client. As for the last thing, my neighbor was found dead in his home with his organs torn out and put back in in a random order. Slendy was trying to and successfully killed my neighbor and I have no idea why. I'm going in my next post to upload my design for a weapon that could possibly harm Slendy because of the electric current produced and the magnetic field produced too. So for now stay safe

Friday, August 12, 2011

These days (corey)

Man so far school is a drag I have like no classes with anyone. I don't really mind school though, it's the people I hate they're all douche bags and fakers. I bet the guys who attacked me even go to my school, what pricks. seriously this is a waste of my time why does he even want me to write in this blog it's stupid it's not like I'm crazy or anything. The last time I checked I was the sane one, he keeps saying something like watch out for maskies I have no idea what the hell he's taking about so I'll just leave it at this, I don't care about what happened to me so I won't write these.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Odd things

The first day of school went off without a hitch, but one thing was odd there was an operator symbol and sees me under my desk etched into it so that was weird. I have 3 classes with Corey so I'll note any weird behavior. A kid did bump into me today and a mask fell out of his backpack. I asked him what it was for and he said the school play. I found this odd because our school play was Cats and there are no masks in Cats. I'll start watching for that kid from now on too. I've been watching for little things out of place recently after the flowers in my moms garden were gone but it cold have just been my neighbors(whom I'm convinced cook meth). So only really weird thing was the mask and the symbol gonna let things play out. I haven't had that watching feeling yet so I'm good when it sets in I'll say for now I'll just get some rest.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I found him

Corey came back and boy did he have a story to tell. I found out that after they beat him they took him away they didn't get a mile before he headbutted one in the back of the head knocking them out and breaking out of the car they were in. I thought it was weird because I looked up slender man stuff and nowhere does it say maskies drive, I think they were agents. I decided to start running this weekend and my schedule is gonna be crazy. If anyone finds Robert or comes in contact with him tell me I have a few questions to ask. Corey is going to start writing in the blog too.

First Encounter

This is the first post in a series of many about my few encounters so far, with I have no idea what because I've only seen it once. I believe it's what people call slender man I have no idea what it is though, but it looks like slender man. It all started one day when I was with my friend Corey and his cousin in December, we were walking in the woods and then there was a flash in the sky. I freaked and so did Corey, we run back to his house as we get out of the woods Corey and I saw a tall man for a flash of a second. It was probably the weirdest day of my life I don't really remember much of that event, not because I blacked out because I didn't it was 4 or 5 years ago. This didn't come up until recently because we got attacked by maskies and he fought some of them off and told me to run and get help. I didn't want to leave because instead of 2 versus 4 it would be 1 versus 4. So I went and got help but when I got back he was gone. So i pulled the two maskies back and tied them up. I asked where they were taking him none of them could talk so I took them to the police and reported them. I hope he's ok his dads gonna kill me for running away even though I was told.